Browsing tag:

children history

Borgarnes Museum
History MuseumsLibrariesNature MuseumsNiche MuseumsWest of Iceland

Borgarnes Museum

Children Throughout a Century – Oh to be a bird! Children Throughout a Century is a unique exhibition centred on the life and surroundings of Icelandic children in the 20th century. The photographs are presented in an unusual way, mounted on walls in which cabinets behind photographs contain objects and further information. Guests can open the cabinets to discover how children lived, laughed, and worked ...
Skriðuklaustur – Centre of Culture & History
East of IcelandHistory Museums

Skriðuklaustur – Centre of Culture & History

Historical site showcasing the ruins of a 16th century monastery and the home of renowned writer Gunnar Gunnarsson. Built in 1939, it is one of Iceland’s most historic buildings, bequeathed to the nation by the writer in 1948. The museum about Gunnar features exhibitions and events of various kind concerning local culture and nature. Personal guidance is guaranteed. Lunch and cake buffet available every day ...